Celebrities at 13 days...
Since Wednesday we've had looong days! On Thursday evening the nurses were quite concerned that Grace was so niggly after feeds and told us, rather unsympathetically, that it was probably due to Ella's milk. They decided to try her on NAN formula for a night and see how she responded and she put on a lot of weight which was really encouraging, but we were not happy that she was not on mom's milk. We were quite worried about her as each evening we would leave the hospital really late as we didn't want to leave whilst she was screaming from tummy cramps. We prayed hard and asked their GOD-parents to pray and about 5 minutes later the nurse phoned and really encouraged Ella to be strong and assured her that Grace would be back on breast milk soon!
Thank the Lord, by Saturday morning, little Gracie was happily back to nature's source of goodness for babies! She has been putting on weight steadily and went on to all sucks yesterday morning.

For a time, Eli and Grace had their own little room. There is an isolated, glassed in room that they keep open for high risk babies that they let us use. It was so nice to go in and plonk our stuff down and just relax with no interruptions... it definately made those days easier. They were then moved to the other side of ICU where all the stable babies go for feeding only, so we lost our 'private room' but at least our two babies were doing so well!

Eli was eating really well and you can see him here with no tubes attached! That was an awesome feeling, to see his cheeks filling out and have no sticker on them! One of our friends at church said that they're like celebrity babies, everyone is checking them out online and talking about them, but no-one's actually seen them yet! But that'll change - because GOD is good and they'll be home soon :).
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