Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Eli & Grace named "The Naughty Two"

Our two angels have been very lively and keep the ICU staff on their toes! They have really made a name for themselves with the nurses and endeared themselves to all the staff. They are progressing amazingly fast, they started on 3ml tube feeding yesterday and are up to 5mls today already! Dr Neethling would like to try bottle feeding tomorrow, which is the best news ever. That means that their strength is almost there to start feeding by themselves!!

Ella had fluctuating BP which was concerning the nurses, but praise GOD, her BP was 121/81 this morning!! Her pain is much more manageable now and she is walking around without the wheelchair. More good news is that she is producing milk already and took the first few mls to the ICU this morning!

Yesterday afternoon she was able to hold Eli for a good hour or so, just after we'd had tea with Paul and Catherine. Eli can smell the milk and is already trying to suckle on El's chest - another excellent sign! He is developing a slightly darker complexion and has rosy red cheeks, I think he's going to be a really good looker! They have taken most of the tubes and needles out and we can see the little puncture marks, shame man!

Whilst Ella and Eli were bonding I was with Gracie as she was having her top and tail. You can see by the hands that she was freaking out a little, she was not happy to be disturbed! Sleep is so much better when you're not having a nappy change!

A dummy with some sugar water goes a long way to making up!! She has the most adorable little face and very fair skin colour. If she takes after her mom, she'll be the most beautiful little girl ever!

When we arrived this morning Eli was lying with his arms crossed and looked like he was a king in his palace! His sister had her eyes wide open - almost expecting to see us :).

I spent time with Eli this morning whilst Ella was with Grace. I held him for about 45 mins, it was a
wonderful time! Ella held Grace and she just slept so peacefully. Whilst I was holding my son he was very interested in the world around him. He started looking around the ICU, trying to assimilate the sounds, sights and smells. But that only lasted a few minutes as the exhausted little man slipped into a deep sleep in his father's warm arms.

Please continue to pray for their growth and development, GOD is moving and we give HIM thanks and praise for all the good work that we are seeing.

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