Eli gave us a bit of a scare as he didn't come out too easily and didn't breathe for the first few minutes. Grace let us all know what she had to say and was crying and filling the theatre with her beautiful voice as soon as she could!
They were both rushed off to the ICU and within a few hours were doing fantastically well. The staff are really impressed with them!! GOD has already answered so many prayers today as Eli is off his oxygen already, they were thinking that he might need it for a few days, but his oxygen-blood absorption is right on track, so when we went to see them at 19h00 he was already off the oxygen!
Ella was having serious pain issues, the nurses were a little slack in the pain meds follow up after the op and so by the time they administered the meds, the pain had already set in, so there was little that they could do. Also, until about 14h00, El had not even seen the twins (except for 30 secs in theatre!!) so she was not a happy camper at all.
Thank you to all of you who literally showered us with messages! Both of my cellphones died in the early afternoon, they just couldnt take all the usage!! Really, we have been so so so blessed, you are all amazingly wonderful! Paul and Catherine were allowed in to see us this evening as 'stand in' grandparents, it was wonderful to have them with us.
We will keep you updated as we go along, please keep praying for Eli Neil Slatter and Grace Colgan Slatter! Their first day on earth is now over, life can only get better!!
they are too Beautiful!!! Congrats parents! We love you all so much and we are praying for you little ones!
Congratulations!!!! You are both very clever and I know you will make the most amazing parents ever! Lots of love, m :)
Dearest Tim & Ella - heartiest congratulations on your two precious little bundles of joy! They are too sweet for words and so tiny but have no doubt that a couple of weeks in ICU will definitely have them both fattened up to then be able to get home to their loving parents. Well done Ella you look a bit tired and rightly so but you still look beautiful. Lotsa Love to you all and will keep up with progress hopefully on the blog. xxxx Auntie Pat and Uncle 'Pal'
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