Eli's homecoming pics!
We are so happy to share with you that Eli came home yesterday morning! Grace was very dignified about the whole process and promised her brother that she'd be home soon - and we're holding her to that promise! GOD is so good and Eli has been putting on weight and drinking well from the bottle (of milk...). Yesterday he was weighing just under 2.1kg and the doctor was really happy with his progress. Grace is still on all sucks and is weighing about 1.93kg, she is loving her bottle feeds and is very enthusiastic. She is a noisy eater and makes US work for it!! Her little personality is so strong already, but as her father, I will not crumble, ever...
The procedure for taking your baby home is that you need to have the piccolo ready for the nurse to carry your baby to the car. This is to make sure that the baby doesn't go home in an unsafe manner. So, whilst Ella packed his bags, I settled him in the car seat and strapped him in. I then went to fetch the car whilst Ella finished off paperwork and we were re-united at the front of the hospital. We had to pop into Baby City so El and Eli stayed in the car whilst I ran in to buy more bottles. He was such a champ, he didn't cry once!!

In the afternoon, Ella went back to the hospital to be with Gracie and I stayed to look after my son. We had an awesome little bonding time, it was so nice doing everything without the nurses hovering. Paul and Catherine popped around for a quick cup of coffee and spent some time with us. It was such a nice and relaxed afternoon, which was broken just after 17h00 when Eli decided to start crying... until about 20h00! It was only after we'd fed him, burped him and cuddled him extensively that Ella checked his nappy... shortly after that the crying ceased! It's always the most obvious things that we overlook!!
Ella bonded with Eli in the evening and I spent time at the hospital. It was quite lonely only having half the family there, hopefully, GOD willing, it won't be long.
Our first night went so well, Eli ate, pooped and slept on cue. We leapt out of bed every noise he made, but I guess that's part of the fun of the first night... which we'll have again when Grace arrives! Please pray that she keeps gaining weight and managing on all sucks - then she'll be home REALLY soon!! We thought it was hard leaving both of our children at the hospital, it's even harder leaving one.

1 comment:
Congratulations on your little boys homecoming!! I am sure you will love caring for him without hospital staff checking your every move!! We pray that his sister will join you soon!! xxx
PS Love the little teddy blanket :)
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