Last night Amanda and Dion got to watch Ella change Eli's nappy and were so taken by his little feet! Ella and I get to do their 'cares' which is changing, cleaning the face and cleaning their umbilical chords - which is such a great time of bonding. Grace does not like being fiddled with and complains most of the time during her change but Eli just folds his hands and waits for us to finish - so cute!
Grace is at her calmest just after a feed - she just lies with her eyes open and looks so content - she gets grumpy when it's a tube feed, she far prefers the bottle!
Ella held her for quite a while last night and she was has happy as a pig in... pig-stuff... After the massive poops that she made yesterday, it's not surprising.
This morning, Eli was off the drip but they've kept the line in just in case he needs it again, hopefully it'll be off him tomorrow. Without the long tube hanging off his head we'll be able to give him his first bath this afternoon - can't wait!
They are absolutely beautiful. Ella, you look so content with your little one in your arms. A true mother. I love you all so much and can't wait to meet the twins. Love Great Aunty Al.xxxxxx
They are absolutely beautiful. Ella, you look so content with your little one in your arms. A true mother. I love you all so much and can't wait to meet the twins. Love Great Aunty Al.xxxxxx
What fantastic pics and news!! I LOVE the pic of Grace in pink with her eyes open!! Sooo precious!! xxx
Fantastic news and gorgeous pics!! I love the pic of Grace in pink with her eyes open!!! Soooo cute!! xxx
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