It is a glorious Sunday afternoon that I am writing this to you and a little later I’m taking my wife out on a date. Church was awesome this morning, I had the blessing of preaching at both services and leading worship for the second and God came and blessed us massive! I had an sms earlier from one of our families thanking me for the service this morning – that was really encouraging. We also had Anthony and Nadia taking care of the technical side for us for their first time and they did an amazing job.
Well, back to last Monday. It was El’s first day back at school after a weeks holiday and she had a great day. The children were exceptionally badly behaved but it was good for her to be back with her colleagues, she is getting on really well with them and forging great friendships. They really appreciate her and whenever I see them they always tell me what a great person my wife is (which, fortunately, I know very well) and they are very encouraging and supportive to her. We had a worship commission meeting in the evening and things are going well there. It’s part of church leadership that I don’t really like, I hate pointless meetings, but I understand that they come as part of the package…
On Tuesday my piano student postponed to Wednesday so I had some time in the afternoon before my guitar student to work on my sermon. El arrived home a little earlier than usual so we were able to spend some time together before I headed off to my guitar lesson. In the evening we spent some time on camp prep which was really awesome.
Wednesday was a busy day at work as I was working on getting my sermon and powerpoints done early – something new for me… but I put it a good effort. El and I went to the shops to pick up some essentials later in the afternoon and then capped the evening off with a fantastic home group :).
Thursday morning was very busy for me as I was rushing to get all my office work done – just in case we had another problem with no power or our photocopier jamming – as had happened last Friday. Paul and I went to collect the Woolies food in the afternoon and there was an absolute ABUNDANCE! We received about 12 crates of meat alone, plus bread and veggies. It took us a while to pack it all into Paul’s doublecab but we managed and were suitably impressed with our packing skills! About 30 crates worth of food all in all. The food went to the central Methodist Church in town which is overrun with refugees at the moment, so they were extremely grateful. We had a good worship practice in the evening, Anthony and Nadia were there to get some more training – they have really been a blessing to us!
Friday started off as a beautiful day, I had done most of my work for the week so had a very relaxed morning. I practiced organ for a funeral that I was booked for on Saturday and watched Utube to pass the time… it was great. El and her fellow gr1 colleagues had to supply a nice lunch for the rest of the staff. It’s what they do in the last term, every Friday is a party day for the staff and each grade gets to organize it. They dressed up and had a really good time. The weather started to darken and get miserable in the late afternoon so El and I hired a movie and snuggled down until home group. Home group was, again, very rewarding, but it is very draining on us. We’re hoping to have some other leaders run one of them next year – hopefully our camp this weekend will establish that for us…
On Saturday morning I played at a funeral at 10am and then had a worship practice straight after that. I hired some more movies for us as the weather was no better and we spent the afternoon watching TV. There was an almighty thunderstorm that started at about 6pm, and continued throughout the night! We were woken several times to the crash of thunder and paparazzi lightning. The power dropped at about 7pm, which was amazingly the time that we finished cooking supper – so we got our supper done just in time!
Please pray for our youth and young adults as we are having our first camp this weekend! There has been no church camp for about 10 years – so this is a big step!
We miss you all stax and are stoked that December is but a month and a bit away :).
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Good words.
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