Tuesday, 09 February 2010

Mazal tov!

We are proud to say that we survived the weekend, or more specifically, Eli survived the weekend. He started it off with a visit to the Urologist, which, apart from experiencing his first injection since ICU, he also had his first taste of brandy. I went into the rooms with him, it's an 'honour' afforded only to dad's who have decided to circumcise their sons, I wouldn't really chalk it up to a bonding moment. He was fine, and knowing that a local anesthetic was on the way, I thought he would stay fine. It was only when I, and Eli, realised that the local anesthetic is administered to the 'site' that he started screaming and I pretended to be fine. After about two minutes, the doctor sent his assistant to fetch the brandy... it worked for about 30 seconds, but once the medicine kicked in, Eli calmed down a bit. The procedure went well and we took him straight home. He was miserable, as could be expected, until Saturday evening, so we kept him on Calpol 'til Sunday, when all seemed to be healed - it's amazing how quickly he recovered!

Amanda came to stay with us on Thursday evening. We fetched her from OR Thambo and really appreciated having some family with us over the weekend. She was so taken by her grandchildren and they were only too happy to have some 'ouma' time.

It was also good for El to spend some time with her mom, we spent most of the time at home, trying to keep Eli comfy, but still managed a couple of trips to the shops. On Monday, El and Amanda went shopping for some things for the twins and El found these cute little sun hats.

El has a few days left before she returns to work next Monday, we can't believe that four months ago she was starting her maternity leave - it's amazing how much things have changed for us! We have been so blessed that I've been able to be home most afternoons and work my schedule around the twins. We'll have another adjustment next week, but again, we know that GOD will bless us and make a way.

We are starting a new teaching campaign at church and are hoping to start up several new small groups. El and I want to get a group off the ground for other young married couples and people in our age group, I guess we don't count as youth anymore, and actually, thank goodness for that. That should be starting in the next week or so, we're pretty excited about that.

El has been quite busy at gym with Yoga classes and is really enjoying it. She's been looking into this for some time and I am glad that she now has the opportunity. She goes three times a week at the moment, we'll have to see how she can fit it in when she starts work again. I am also trying to get busy with music lessons and my class music again.

Other exciting news is that the builders have started on our new church! Finally, we're seeing movement! The new platform has been built, the engineers are working on the final drawings this week and hopefully the foundations will be dug next week. It means more work and noise for us, but hopefully it'll all pay off in the long run!

Back to the twins... they are developing so well.

We checked out a growth chart today and they're responding and developing the way that they should be! They are chuckling and blowing 'raspberries', they smile so much now and each smile makes hours of crying fade completely away! We thank GOD everyday for such beautiful children, He has been so good to us!