Monday, 30 November 2009

Celebrities at 13 days...

Since Wednesday we've had looong days! On Thursday evening the nurses were quite concerned that Grace was so niggly after feeds and told us, rather unsympathetically, that it was probably due to Ella's milk. They decided to try her on NAN formula for a night and see how she responded and she put on a lot of weight which was really encouraging, but we were not happy that she was not on mom's milk. We were quite worried about her as each evening we would leave the hospital really late as we didn't want to leave whilst she was screaming from tummy cramps. We prayed hard and asked their GOD-parents to pray and about 5 minutes later the nurse phoned and really encouraged Ella to be strong and assured her that Grace would be back on breast milk soon!

Thank the Lord, by Saturday morning, little Gracie was happily back to nature's source of goodness for babies! She has been putting on weight steadily and went on to all sucks yesterday morning.

For a time, Eli and Grace had their own little room. There is an isolated, glassed in room that they keep open for high risk babies that they let us use. It was so nice to go in and plonk our stuff down and just relax with no interruptions... it definately made those days easier. They were then moved to the other side of ICU where all the stable babies go for feeding only, so we lost our 'private room' but at least our two babies were doing so well!

Eli was eating really well and you can see him here with no tubes attached! That was an awesome feeling, to see his cheeks filling out and have no sticker on them! One of our friends at church said that they're like celebrity babies, everyone is checking them out online and talking about them, but no-one's actually seen them yet! But that'll change - because GOD is good and they'll be home soon :).

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Bath time for Eli

We bathed Eli for the first time yesterday afternoon and he seems to have a love/hate relationship with bathing! He was resting so nicely, but it was time for a bath.

It was obviously a new experience for him and he went from chill
ed to crying and then back again several times. We are hopefully going to bath his sister today, she came off the drip this morning and is doing excellently!

Grace is on 33ml feeds and Eli is up to 40ml. They continue to entertain us with their gestures and little noises, we don't think we'll ever be able to get enough!!

They were quite n
iggly this morning as they seem to be having some stomach cramps, which disappear the moment we hold them... it is such an awesome feeling to pacify our children, we love it! We were able to bottle feed both of them this morning, the extra milk proved a little tricky for Grace but Eli finished his in 10 minutes flat. He likes his food.

After Eli's bath yesterday, he had a little snooze time with his sister in her bed :).

Monday, 23 November 2009

Mondays are gooood!

Last night Amanda and Dion got to watch Ella change Eli's nappy and were so taken by his little feet! Ella and I get to do their 'cares' which is changing, cleaning the face and cleaning their umbilical chords - which is such a great time of bonding. Grace does not like being fiddled with and complains most of the time during her change but Eli just folds his hands and waits for us to finish - so cute!

Grace is at her calmest just after a feed - she just lies with her eyes open and looks so content - she gets grumpy when it's a tube feed, she far prefers the bottle!

Ella held her for quite a while last night and she was has happy as a pig in... pig-stuff... After the massive poops that she made yesterday, it's not surprising.

This morning, Eli was off the drip but they've kept the line in just in case he needs it again, hopefully it'll be off him tomorrow. Without the long tube hanging off his head we'll be able to give him his first bath this afternoon - can't wait!

Sunday, 22 November 2009

Exceeding Expecatations!

After making it through the first three days (we don't know if it was harder for the twins or us!) things just keep getting better. We find ourselves repeating to the nurses, "That is good news!" at every visit. The best thing we overheard was on Thursday evening, El's first night out of the ward, when one of the maternity sisters came to the ward and asked after the twins, the PICU sister said that they were exceeding all expectations - an awesome thing to hear! And it's all because of GOD's amazing hand in their lives.

Grace developed jaundice on Wednesday and had to spend two days with her 'spa eye protection' on and lay in front of the blue light as if she was on the beach... hopefully a sign of things to come! They took her off the light on Friday mornin
g and were so pleased that she kept up her feeds so well.

On Friday our doctor wanted to try turning off their heaters and see whether or not they could maintain their own body heat. This was the first time that they were able try out their new clothes and they looked absolutely adorable in the 'large' prem vests and babygros!! Grace was not impressed with hers, though, she has issues with pink clothes... so she's now in yellow :). Eli on the other hand was so chilled and content to be in his little outfit. Since then, they've been wrapped in blankets and oversized socks and maintained their own heat! The nurse takes their temperatures regularly - Thank you Lord!!!

They have both been feeding from a bottle, a little more each day. By Sunday morning, Eli was on 30ml per feed, (bottle-tube-bottle) whilst Grace was on 25ml per feed, (tube-tube-bottle). Ella and I have changed their nappies and given them top and tails almost every time we visit (3 times a day). We have also started to give them their bottles and hold their tubes during feeds, primarily because they're in our arms at the time :).

We have held them so much since Friday and are feeling far more positive about their stay in PICU. The first few days were a constant silent battle between us and the PICU sisters, where unspoken gestures made us feel like we were in the way. On Wednesday evening I had a chat with the staff and explained our needs and they have since been far more accommodating - which has made all the difference for us. For a while I was thinking that a new parent's worst nightmare is a Peads ICU sister but then I realised that their worst nightmare is a new parent... things improved thereafter.

On Saturday evening they removed a drip from Grace's head, she screamed so much but I stuck by her as Ella was holding Eli at the time. We were both talking her through it and I was rubbing her tummy and kissing her hands, after a few sobs (which are really tiny) she fell asleep from the exertion of crying so much. I held her for the rest of the evening and sat next to Ella, who was cuddling Eli all evening.

Our prayer is that they will continue to exceed expectations, that GOD would protect and guide them and that soon the drips will be out and they will be able to feed on their own! Grace is just under 1.8kg and Eli has put on a little and is 1.957kg!

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Eli & Grace named "The Naughty Two"

Our two angels have been very lively and keep the ICU staff on their toes! They have really made a name for themselves with the nurses and endeared themselves to all the staff. They are progressing amazingly fast, they started on 3ml tube feeding yesterday and are up to 5mls today already! Dr Neethling would like to try bottle feeding tomorrow, which is the best news ever. That means that their strength is almost there to start feeding by themselves!!

Ella had fluctuating BP which was concerning the nurses, but praise GOD, her BP was 121/81 this morning!! Her pain is much more manageable now and she is walking around without the wheelchair. More good news is that she is producing milk already and took the first few mls to the ICU this morning!

Yesterday afternoon she was able to hold Eli for a good hour or so, just after we'd had tea with Paul and Catherine. Eli can smell the milk and is already trying to suckle on El's chest - another excellent sign! He is developing a slightly darker complexion and has rosy red cheeks, I think he's going to be a really good looker! They have taken most of the tubes and needles out and we can see the little puncture marks, shame man!

Whilst Ella and Eli were bonding I was with Gracie as she was having her top and tail. You can see by the hands that she was freaking out a little, she was not happy to be disturbed! Sleep is so much better when you're not having a nappy change!

A dummy with some sugar water goes a long way to making up!! She has the most adorable little face and very fair skin colour. If she takes after her mom, she'll be the most beautiful little girl ever!

When we arrived this morning Eli was lying with his arms crossed and looked like he was a king in his palace! His sister had her eyes wide open - almost expecting to see us :).

I spent time with Eli this morning whilst Ella was with Grace. I held him for about 45 mins, it was a
wonderful time! Ella held Grace and she just slept so peacefully. Whilst I was holding my son he was very interested in the world around him. He started looking around the ICU, trying to assimilate the sounds, sights and smells. But that only lasted a few minutes as the exhausted little man slipped into a deep sleep in his father's warm arms.

Please continue to pray for their growth and development, GOD is moving and we give HIM thanks and praise for all the good work that we are seeing.

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Day 2 unfolds!

As day two unravels, Grace and Eli are doing 200 times better (the exact words of Dr Neethling!) so mom and dad are so happy!

Here is little Gracie holding onto my finger as I'm taking pics of her. She was sleeping so soundly, had a little cry during the visit but was pacified super quickly with her dummy and dad's soft words of encouragement!

Ella spent time with Eli this morning, it was the first time that she got to touch him! She kept playing with his little feet as he extended and crinkled his looong toes. He was so peaceful and opened his eyes several times whilst his mom was talking to him!

The doctor has said that they will take most of the tubes off at midday today so, hopefully we'll be able to hold them as much as we want from this afternoon! They are also wanting to try feeding today, which is a few days ahead of schedule, so again, all glory and thanks to GOD for looking after us!

Monday, 16 November 2009

They're here!

GOD is great! Our two beautiful babies were born this morning - Grace at 08h57 and Eli at 08h59. Ella was really anxious about the operation but it went so well and the doctors were so slick.

Eli gave us a bit of a scare as he didn't come out too easily and didn't breathe for the first few minutes. Grace let us all know what she had to say and was crying and filling the theatre with her beautiful voice as soon as she could!

They were both rushed off to the ICU and within a few hours were doing fantastically well. The staff are really impressed with them!! GOD has already answered so many prayers today as Eli is off his oxygen already, they were thinking that he might need it for a few days, but his oxygen-blood absorption is right on track, so when we went to see them at 19h00 he was already off the oxygen!

This pic is little Eli this evening, sleeping so soundly. We really badly wanted to hold him but were not allowed to because of the pipes and everything. We are so proud of him for sticking through this morning and progressing so fast! When we took this pic he was making the cutest little noises...

Earlier on in the afternoon, I was able to hold Eli for a bit, he is so light and so soft - the most adorable thing I have ever held. He has little crying bouts, which he was starting here - but he soothes quickly as soon as we talk to him - hope that lasts!!!!

Ella was having serious pain issues, the nurses were a little slack in the pain meds follow up after the op and so by the time they administered the meds, the pain had already set in, so there was little that they could do. Also, until about 14h00, El had not even seen the twins (except for 30 secs in theatre!!) so she was not a happy camper at all. This pic is the first time mom and daughter were together since the birth, and you can see, Grace is a natural pain relief for her mom! Eli is still heavier than his sister, he is 1,92kgs and Gracie is a petite 1,8kgs. They will be in ICU for the next two weeks or so, we are praying that they gain weight enough to come home soon!

Thank you to all of you who literally showered us with messages! Both of my cellphones died in the early afternoon, they just couldnt take all the usage!! Really, we have been so so so blessed, you are all amazingly wonderful! Paul and Catherine were allowed in to see us this evening as 'stand in' grandparents, it was wonderful to have them with us.

We will keep you updated as we go along, please keep praying for Eli Neil Slatter and Grace Colgan Slatter! Their first day on earth is now over, life can only get better!!

Sunday, 15 November 2009

The night before Eli & Grace

As we anticipate the arrival of Eli and Grace, knowing that it is only now a few hours away, we are overcome with both excitement and a little anxiety. We have been immersed in prayer, love and TONS of sms' and know that our children are going to be amazing and that GOD has already prepared a way for them.

We spent some time finishing off their room this afternoon and took a snap or two to let you 'see us' the night before! Although we're tired, we have no intention of rushing off to bed anytime soon, the excitement is just too great.

We know that Eli and Grace arrive tomorrow and that we've come this far because of GOD's grace and all your prayers. We pray that it won't stop here, but that this will be the start of new things, not only for us, but for all of those who have been and will be a part of this journey!

Here are some pics of the room!

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Final details for Monday...

Hi everyone, Ella is booked for first thing Monday the 16th. Our doc is going to do El's c-section first, so, hopefully between 8-9am at Wilgeheuwel Maternity Ward, Eli and Grace will take their first breathe of GOD's air!

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

News of Tim & El

This could well be the last update from Tim & El, from next week, it will hopefully be the Slatters JHB! Last Monday El had her checkup and as many of you know the date has been set for next Monday (16 November)! I'd like to say that that is the day we come parents, but we both believe that we became parents almost 9 months ago, the only thing that will change is that I will get to help carry our children around now!! So please keep us in your prayers this week - especially Ella, it is hard work for her as their combined weights is now over 4kgs... My wife is such a winner!

I write my last exam on Friday, so I am doing my best to study, although with prepping to take some time off (I'll probably only get a few days), organising carols and stuff, it's pretty heavy going! But that's what Berocca and VitB complex are for. Somewhere in between all of this I managed to check if the pram fits in the car and how to best pack it so that we can still get groceries in... it was important.

We have made the last few additions to the baby room, an extra shelf, curtains, chest of drawers and bins, we just need to put up two more corner shelves that El stained white this weekend. The room is such a beautiful place for us, it's the culmination of a lot of love and GOD's amazing blessings. Everyone who comes in the room tells us what a happy place it is, so that's really awesome. Plus, we really enjoy just sitting in it... I suppose we'll have lots of that from next week onwards!

El had loads of visitors over the last two weeks, Anne from college, Renee (church), Sue & Ingrid (her HOD and colleague), Gabba & Yvette, Kerris, Heather, Carol and Liza and Darrel, so we've (well, more Ella) been cashing in on some social time!

Carol and Vernard organised for their worker guy to come and strip our passage wall again, replaster and co-prox it against the rising damp. This will be our second attempt to solve the problem.... only time will tell!

We have had three weekends of HEAVY lighting storms, which have been awesome to watch, but have resulted in no power for most of the weekends. The first storm three weeks back took out all of our lights in church as well as most of our sound equipment. We are currently trying to claim from insurance and Joe has put together and awesome quote for us, so I'm really hoping everything comes through okay on that side, it will mean some 'decent' equipment for our worship team!

El and I are so excited for the new year. We have many 'projects' planned for our new year and know that the kids are only the start of amazing blessings to come. Having GOD in the centre of our marriage has been invaluable and by His grace alone do attribute where we are and all that we have. I believe that 2010 will be a year of dreams starting to become realities! We pray that it may hold as much promise for all of you as well.

The latest on the twins - a week to go!!!

Hi everyone, we are so excited, we only have 5 days to go! The doc has given us the date of the 16th of Nov, so if Eli and Grace can stay in that long, we'll meet them on Monday! We went for our last checkup today and were able to take these to amazing pictures! They are very squashed and running out of space fast! They are both over 2kgs now - thank you Lord!!

Here's our son...

And his little sister...