We managed to have an awesome lunch with the Smits, Frederiechs and two other families on Easter Sunday. The twins had plenty of hands to hold them and all the other kids had fun outside in the (very wet) sand pit. Bethany went through about 3 sets of clothing...
Eli & Grace both picked up sore coughs over the Easter weekend, so on Tuesday we went to the Pead to get them checked out. He was happy to tell us that they were not serious coughs and prescribed some anti-biotic nose drops. He was also happy to tell us that Eli was 4.95kgs and Gracie was 4.5kgs! They were so good in his office, which is a first, and were so full of smiles... definite preparation for their CT trip.
For the rest of the day we just chilled at home and once the twins were asleep, El and I packed for our trip home to CT. What an effort to pack for two babies!!! We eventually crashed into bed at about 12mn, then woke at 1 for a feed, then again at 3, because Eli couldn't sleep and then had to be up to get to the airport by 6am, so not much resting for us parents!! The twins flew so well, we went straight from the airport to El's mom's work to surprise her, as she didn't know we were coming so early. We then went to my Uncle in the evening, where Stu, Tracey and my folks were have supper and surprised them too. Eventually we arrived at my Aunt's house where we were staying and sleep found us at about 23h30, so another looooong day. The rest of our CT trip was jammed packed with family and friends and everyone went out of their way to see us, which was rocking!
I will post news and pics of the Christening soon, just waiting to download them all! We are missing you all very much and hope that GOD is blessing you richly!