We recently received all of Poppie's photos from their December visit, so we've posted some of them below! It was so special to have the four generations of Slatters together.
Both Eli and Grace are smiling so much now, we have tried to catch Eli in the act but the camera distracts him, although this shot has him smiling\chuckling... either way, it's pretty cute...
The twins are doing really well at creche, they sleep well and eat well. Last week was pretty difficult for us as they slept well at creche but then were awake the entire afternoon and evening, only sleeping at about 11pm, so that was pretty demanding, but we seem to have passed that... for now.
It's actually unbelievable how much work twins are at this age, it's almost as if we're single parents, because each of us always has a child to hold when they're going nuts. Eli is on 4-hourly feeds now but Grace is still on 3-hourly, which keeps us really busy! Their doctor has pushed for this so that Eli can start drinking more at each feed and start growing a little quicker. He was 3.3kg on Monday and she was 2.9kg. We took them for their inoculations at the clinic and managed to fit the Paediatrician in on the same afternoon so it saved us a trip.
It's been an amazingly spiritual time for us as we have two beautiful people in whom to admire GOD's work. Eli and Grace are so different, yet so similar, one cannot spend a few hours with them and not believe that there exists a deeply magnificent Creator. Just take a look at their pre-creche nap last week...
Paul and Catherine recommended that we take my day off to watch the new movie 'Avatar', whilst the kids were in creche. We managed to book at a 3D cinema and duly went through on Friday morning. WOW - what an experience. A fantastic movie and even better in 3D!! if you haven't seen the movie yet - we HIGHLY recommend it! El and I also had time for breakfast before the movie as there was virtually NO traffic - it was really awesome, but we missed our kids.
Worship and church has been going so well this year. Last year I really felt led to lead the team on a journey of fellowship, it took a full year of obedience and resisting the musical urges to push forward, we stuck to simple musicality but really focused on relationships within the team. This year, so far, has been amazing - every Sunday! Our church is starting to experience worship on a deeper level and the musical side is just developing on it own. We have a long list of new songs that I want to introduce, including 6 Afrikaans worship songs!
On Monday we heard that our building plans have finally been passed, so we are now ready to start building the new church!
On the side of El's job, we've been blessed that she can work until the end of the term AND they've employed a teacher in her place already, which will relieve much of her stress as she will only have to do admin work when she returns!
We now need to pray really hard for a new job for her to move to or for GOD to pave the way for us to new things. There are a couple of options, but nothing cast in stone. This really is going to be another stretch in our faith journey, and we know that GOD will provide for us, but faith tested always requires much prayer - so please - pray for us and send scripture and encouragement whenever you like!
Micheline (principal at the creche) recommended that we put some of El's tops in the cots with the twins to help them sleep... Eli was so cute, he really snuggled up to El's top!
When we arrived home from creche this afternoon, Grace was moaning lots, so El picked her up and popped her on her knee... Grace loved the new view! She sat quite happily, nestled in her mom's arm. She has quite a stare!
We were so blessed last week to be given some cash to employ a domestic helper on a second day every week to help us with all the house work that we just can't get to. Our current maid, Ellen, hooked up her sister Maria for us. She did and excellent job and will be coming through every Saturday for us! What a massive blessing!
El starts work in just under two weeks, so things are soon going to be returning to relative normality, and then, whatever GOD has planned for El in her next chapter will, we are sure, bring even more blessings and opportunities to grow ourselves, our kids and others! I certainly hope to get back to my other projects as well, as soon as I can break through the backlog of church admin from when our offices where under reconstruction... but that'll be soon, i'm sure!
El's mom, Amanda, will be staying with us over next weekend, so we're really looking forward to that visit! She arrives on the Thursday evening and flies back on the Monday evening.
Thank you again to all of you who send us messages of encouragement and updates of your lives! May you be blessed as we gain ground in 2010 and start to unravel what GOD has planned for us.