Please pray that El is able to carry that long, our doc is impressed that she's made it passed 32wks, so GOD has already blessed us hugely!
Here is a pic of Grace in 4D!

We have been sorting through all our baby stuff in getting ready for their arrival and trying to get the room in order, we have been so blessed with so many things and thank GOD for His amazing providence! All the ‘big’ things that we needed have been sorted and we have loads of clothing too! Candice stayed with us last week and it was awesome, after she left on Thurs we had the room free to start unpacking all the clothes and blankets and other baby goodies. On Sunday afternoon El started putting the different sizes together and in the evening we setup the two campcots. We are still waiting for the chest of drawers to be delivered, hopefully that will be sometime this week!
We also had four new doors hung in our bedrooms and bathroom, the old ones were pretty funky and were outside doors. I have been painting the new ones, hopefully they’ll be done by the end of the week…
A few months back, I worked on some PR stuff and was given a Game voucher as payment. Last week Friday I went and spent some of it on a Dust Buster and a CD player for the kids room – two items that are going to be very handy in the near future!
Last night, El and I were watching the latest Dan Brown movie, Angel’s & Demons, when Fox started sniffing something on the carpet. In the lowlight of the movie-watching ambience, I thought he’d drippled something out, so I groused at him. He promptly turned around and cocked his leg on the couch, but I shouted at him again and he ran under the coffee table. Knowing now that he wanted to wee, I opened up the lounge door to let him out the passage and smelled burning… Completely confounded, I took a look in the kitchen, only to find the pan that I’d forgotten about that was once filled with soapy water, now a stinky burnt mess. I took the pan outside whilst El started cleaning the stove (it had boiled over), and then went to clean up Fox’ dribble, which actually turned out to be two grey ticks, which in picking up, burst and left a gorgeous thick black goo in the carpet… which I then had to scrub off! In doing that, I realized that Fox had actually weed, providing us with even more training for Eli & Grace… All ended well, the house is clean, the dogs are outside, but we’ll need a new pan. Ella is very happy, she’s been wanting a new pan for several months. I do what I can.
Hope you are all well! Lots of love and blessings,