Wednesday rolled out as usual, had a rocking time with our young people in the evening. We have started a course with them on their shape for ministry, so that was the intro night and it went really well.
I had worship on Thursday and El spent the evening prepping for her trip to CT, and writing 3 special letters for me to read on each day that she was away – and I thought I had all the surprises! We woke really early on Friday morning as El had to be at the airport at 04h30 for the 06h00 flight. We had breakfast together at the airport (well, I ate..) and then bade farewell.
I received my study material on Thursday and had decided that Friday evening would be devoted to watching the two movies that I’d rented and flipping through my UNISA stuff to see when my assignments were due. Paul came over and joined me for my first movie, and then, when I realised that I’d already watched the second one (dumbass!!) I dove into my books, to find out that my first assignment is due this Friday… El spent the day with her folks and Anthony, nice and chilled.
On Saturday I went to the shops (earlyish… about 11am) to pick up so neccesities and hoped to get a rug for the baby room that we’ve had our eye on for 2 months now. It was a little pricey so we prayed and felt that we needed the money up front and that when we had it, if the rug was still there, we’d get it. Well, it was still there, and I managed to negotiate a better price as well (must be the Durban/Scottish blood)! I also picked up some paint and started painting the skirtings in the baby room that were a badly varnished, old-school brown. They are now a clean, gloss white, which compliments the room way better than the previous hash job done before our arrival in JHB. El will no doubt fill you in on the host of surprises that she had! In the evening I finished my first assignment.
Sunday was awesome, church went really well, had lunch with the Smits, a great service in the evening, and then fetched El from Lanseria. After returning home, unpacking and ooohing and aaahhhing over all the baby stuff we flopped into bed after an amazing weekend for both of us.
Please keep El in your prayers as she has developed a nasty cold. I took her to the Doc on Monday and she’s been booked off for the week.